The Extremely Sketchy Disappearance of Katelin Akens
One day, she was all excited about joining cosmetology school, and the next day, she went MIA.
Katelin Akens was a happy-go-lucky teenager from Virginia, USA. She was thoughtful, compassionate, and friendly. She was a family person who texted and spoke to her family all the time, particularly with her mother, Lisa, and sister, Gabby.
Katelin moved to Arizona after high school to be with her fiance, Amber. Amber had studied with Katelin in primary school before she moved cities. The two stayed in touch over the years, turning their friendship into romance.
In short, Katelin had a beautiful life with people she loved. So, when something terrible happened to her, it was beyond devastating.
Now, Katelin was only 19 years old when she went missing. And most of the events sound sketchy and obscure.
The first week of December
Katelin and her sister’s favorite hobby was to dream about a fairy-tale wedding, kids, a loving family, and everything associated with a perfect life.
So, when Gabby announced she was pregnant, the entire family was ecstatic.
Gabby gave birth to a handsome boy on November 21, 2015. Katelin wanted to visit her sister and hold her nephew in her hands. So, she landed in Virginia on December 1, 2015, and headed straight to her sister’s place.
Also, she had her own special news.
Katelin had gotten a seat at a cosmetology school in Arizona, and she was thrilled. Since childhood, Katelin has loved experimenting with hairstyles. So, this program was the most suitable choice for her.
The morning before the storm
Katelin needed the diploma certificate to complete the enrollment formalities from her mother’s place. Since school was due to start in a few days, she wanted to make the most of her trip. So, she had a blast, partying and enjoying to the fullest.
Katelin’s plane back to Arizona was scheduled for the evening of December 5, 2015. Since her mom and sister were busy, she requested her ex-stepfather, James Branton, to drop her off at the airport.
So, on December 5, 2015, Katelin’s mom dropped her at James’s place. Katelin and James spent the morning talking about Arizona, cosmetology school, and how excited Katelin was to take this big step in her life.
They were supposed to leave for the airport at around 1 pm because James had to work later. But she never made it to the airport, and things started getting sketchy.
A series of bizarre messages
Out of nowhere, at 11:52 am, Katelin messaged Amber, her fiance, that something had come up, and she won’t be able to catch the flight. She also said that she wouldn’t text her for a while.
But at 1:52 pm, James texted Katelin’s mom, Lisa, that he had dropped Katelin at the airport and everything was fine. At 2 pm, Lisa got a message from Katelin that she was at the airport and her phone battery was dying. So, she won’t be able to text her for a while.
After a while, Amber got another message from Katelin that there was a problem with the flight and she’d have to find a new connection.
Now Amber found this strange. Katelin first texted her she won’t catch the plane today. Then she went to the airport but messaged again that something was wrong. So Amber called Lisa and asked her about the problem. But Lisa didn’t know about these messages, and it worried her.
Lisa and her family tried to get in touch with Katelin. They called her several times, messaged her, and even requested the airport officials to announce her name over the speaker.
But no one could get a hold of Katelin.
It gets weirder
Lisa then called James to know if he knew anything about Katelin, whether she acted weirdly or said something strange. And that was when things got more bizarre.
James hadn’t dropped Katelin at the airport. He dropped her at the Springfield Mall, a few stops away from the airport by metro. And this piece of information troubled Lisa because Katelin never enjoyed taking the metro, and she had never been to that mall ever before.
Another few hours later, at around 7:15 pm, Lisa received a message from Katelin, saying that she was leaving to stay with a friend and needed some time alone.
Lisa freaked out seeing this message. It was so uncharacteristic of Katelin. Let me remind you that Katelin was this girl who loved sharing everything with her family. So, when she suddenly texted that she would be MIA, things didn’t sit right.
Plus, the other troubling pattern Lisa noticed was the messaging style. Katelin preferred formulating her thoughts into a single text. But the messages Lisa received were split into multiple texts, something Katelin seldom did.
Lisa knew in her heart that something was wrong.
While Lisa tried reaching Katelin, Amber received a Facebook message from Katelin that she was going away because she cheated on her.
Now, Amber found the message strange, especially because Katelin wasn’t that type, and they had no problems in their life. Plus, Katelin was super excited about cosmetology school. So why would she give everything up suddenly?
The first clue
Lisa contacted the police, but they initially didn’t take her seriously. The officers assumed Katelin was having a ‘teenager-moment’ and would be back. But when the family hadn’t heard from her for over two days, they knew something was up and registered a complaint.
When Lisa was at the police station, an officer received a call. Someone had found Katelin’s suitcase in a drainage ditch, about 50 miles from the Springfield Mall. The bag had scuffle marks, hinting someone probably threw it from a moving vehicle.
The police found Katelin’s wallet, money, ID, credit cards, and plane ticket in the suitcase. What they didn’t see were her clothes and her diploma. And just when things started getting scary, the police found a dead body of a young woman a few miles away.
The police investigation
Most believed that it was Katelin, given the age, hair color, tattoos, build, etc. But the autopsy report identified the body as Heather Ciccone.
There was a time when people believed that a serial killer targeted such young women because the similarities between Katelin and Heather were too many, and the resemblance was uncanny. But the police quickly invalidated the theory.
Soon, the police set a 30-mile radius to search for Katelin. They had multiple search parties, helicopters, heat sensors, etc., to support the search. But they found nothing helpful.
Then, the police checked the surveillance footage from the mall, metro station, and the airport. To their surprise, they found no video of Katelin, James, or his car.
The police also checked the phone records of James and Katelin and found several discrepancies.
- At around 2 pm, when Katelin texted Lisa that she was at the airport, the phone connected to a tower 30 miles away from the airport, closer to James’ house.
- Around the same time, when James texted Lisa that he had dropped Katelin safely, his phone also pinged closer to his house, but not the same place.
- Katelin’s last text to Lisa was sent from Stafford, about 15 miles away from where the officers found her suitcase.
So, by looking at the phone records, Katelin never made it to the airport or the mall. And somehow, James was involved in her mysterious disappearance.
Talking to her companions made things stranger
Now, the police suspected James. After all, he was the last person to see Katelin alive. And that he stopped cooperating after more evidence started coming out didn’t help him.
The police checked with James’ employer, and they reported that he never came to work that day. James also used encrypted software on his phone, and the police couldn’t analyze it.
The authorities issued a search warrant for James’ house, and they spent eight hours scouring the place. But they found nothing.
The officers then started talking to Katelin’s friends to find out more about her as a person. And that was when they found out that Katelin had taken part in a threesome.
While the friends involved in the union asserted it to be consensual, Kevin, Katelin’s best friend, had a different story. He claimed they forced Katelin into the act and was ashamed of cheating Amber.
Kevin also told the officers that James was abusive. He’d verbally abuse Katelin for every minor mistake. He speculated Katelin’s sexual preferences and lifestyle to be the reasons.
However, all these pieces of information led to nowhere, for they still couldn’t find Katelin.
What happened to Katelin?
The fact that only Katelin’s diploma and clothes were missing while everything else was left behind fanned some hypotheses. While most of them sounded excessive, some were more thought-out.
The most popular theory was that Katelin left on her own accord. That was probably why she only took her diploma and clothes to make a living in a completely different place.
Now, the reason for her leaving was heavily debated. Some believed that she wasn’t happy with her life and wanted to be somewhere else. Some speculated that she felt guilty for cheating on Amber and fled. And some others thought maybe Katelin met someone and wanted to leave everything behind to be with that person, starting a new life.
However, Katelin’s family insisted that their girl would never do such a thing. Katelin was very close to her mother and sister, who had just had a baby. The family believed that someone had harmed Katelin. But their theory begged the question, “Why were the diploma and clothes missing from the suitcase?”
Current situation
In the end, all those theories were mere speculations, and we have no concrete evidence yet. But several measures are being taken to keep Katelin in people’s minds.
- Spotsylvania’s Crime Solvers announced a $2500 reward for unambiguous leads.
- In 2021, a billboard was put up near her last known location.
- They also broadcasted a TV program about Katelin’s disappearance in September 2021.
- Katelin’s well-wishers also created a Facebook group dedicated to finding Katelin.
If you have information on Katelin Akens, please get in touch with the nearby police station, FBI, or the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office.